Game Speak Podcast: Episode #126

Brent is out at sea for the week, so our good friend, Joshua Pawlik dropped by to make sure Jamal wasn’t lonely! From Ninja’s Ex Twitch channel broadcasting porn, to Xbox’s Scarlett hitting that 4K 60fps and no load screens, we got all of this week’s gaming news for you. As for the topic, we Read more about Game Speak Podcast: Episode #126[…]

Game Speak Podcast: Episode #84

This week on Game Speak Podcast: The Haunting of Hill House, trips to the Bahamas, retro video games and retro game art, answers to some great questions, two dream dads. To become the People’s Champ of the week like Chad McLain did and have the opportunity to win dope prizes, be sure to follow Game Speak Read more about Game Speak Podcast: Episode #84[…]

War: N64’s Overlooked Multiplayer Madness

While everyone was obsessively playing their newly released PS2, eagerly waiting for the release of Nintendo’s GameCube or betting against Microsoft’s foray into the console business with the Xbox, a gem was released for Nintendo’s soon to be left behind console, the Nintendo 64.

The N64 era was a time when 3D Platformers were exploding on the scene. Starting with Super Mario 64 at it’s launch, almost every developer wanted to try their hand at creating either a new IP with the kid friendly, mascot focused genre (Rocket: Robot On Wheels, Mystical Ninja Starring Goeman), or rebooting classics into the 3rd dimension (Donkey Kong 64, Rayman 2: The Great Escape). But Rare, Rareware at the time, saw a niche where no one seemed to think one existed: A 3D Platformer with a Mature setting. From this idea Conker’s Bad Fur Day was born, but as previously stated, it was released to a sinking ship. […]